*Many different things can cause siblings to fight. Most brothers and sistersexperience some degree of jealousy or competition, and this can flare into squabbles and bickering. But other factors also might influence how often kids fight and how severe the fighting gets.
1. Mom and Dad enjoyed raising you way more than me.

I know they love us equally, but with complete honesty, you were more fun to raise. You didn't have the mean girl drama or expenses for excessive makeup and skincare items. This is something you will always be able to hold over my head as support for your "I'm the favorite" argument.
2. We have the same fear of our friends flirting with each other.
I don't want my friends to hit on you, and you don't want your friends to hit on me. It's probably irrational, but my friends are MINE and your friends are YOURS.
3. I have no fear of bugs or tree-climbing because I grew up stuck with you and your friends.
I'll never forget how it felt being the only girl on the soccer field or the frustration of pumping my legs as fast as they'll go to catch up to the big kids.
4. Leftovers don't actually exist.
If I bring it home, I have to eat it right when I walk in the door. Otherwise, there are approximately five seconds before you find it and devour it like a human garbage disposal.
5. It's much easier to understand what IS fair and ISN'T fair.
The World's Best Mathematician would not even be able to count how many times I have wanted to scream at the top of my lungs at mom and dad because everything felt unfair. However, I learned very well, eventually, that sometimes fairness isn't everyone getting the same amount of something. It's about each individual getting what THEY need.
6. There will never be a more intense argument than one between a brother and a sister.

There is still a dent in the bathroom wall from how aggressively the door was forced open when we had that one argument back in middle school that we can't even remember what it was about.
7. No one will ever understand things like you do.
You've been there from the beginning and grew up in the same environment. You're the one I'll always need to come to with my concerns. And buckle up... there's a whole lifetime ahead of us for them.
8. Most of my favorite memories feature you.

Playing in the snow, morning car rides to school, board games during power outages, family vacations... the list goes on forever.
9. You're right... in fact, a painful amount of times.
Every high school ex-boyfriend, toxic friendship, difficult class, EVERYTHING. You're usually right and I don't ever- and probably WILL NEVER- like to admit it.
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