
Saturday, January 5, 2019

How to Know if you have crush on Some one

1. Don’t Rush It Before They Notice You

“Love is an admiration that comes with patience. Lust is an admiration that comes with impatience. Israelmore Ayivor
Let’s face it, it takes time to get used to someone and not consider them as a stranger anymore, and it takes time to understand someone’s personality. What if you have a crush on somebody that it’s not a good fit for you?
I am not saying that you need to keep delaying the time waiting for the right moment, because “the right moment” might never come.
However, when you make sure that at least the other person has seen you before or you have had some spontaneous interactions, your next step won’t be a surprise to them and your chances to succeed will be higher.
Otherwise, they will be like; what! When! How! Who are you? Excuse me?

2. Eyes Never Lie

“Listen with your eyes for feelings. Stephen Covey
In French, they say: “ Loin des Yeux, Loin du Coeur.” Yeah, you are allowed to use Google Translate this time!
Eyes are a mirror of the soul and the heart. Unless the person you are interested in is an actor or has a very high emotional intelligence (EQ), their eyes can’t disguise their feelings.
Paying attention to this detail may be the most crucial key to evaluate your options.

3.Don’t Overthink Every Interaction You Had

“The head thinks. The heart knows. Rasheed Ogunlaru
-“Yesterday, we were at a work event, and suddenly he sneezed so hard, do you think this is a sign he likes me?” She is asking her best girlfriend.
-“Today, she said good morning. But, at 12 pm! It’s late; Do you think she is into me?” He is asking his buddy who has never been in a relationship.
Despite endless small interactions that could happen and some of it could be an expression of interests, you shouldn’t let your crush become an unhealthy obsession.
It could take over your life and make you perform poorly in other tasks like work and study, or it could also affect your relationships with friends and family

4.Don’t Make These Mistakes

“An error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. Orlando Aloysius Battista
Although that there is no proven science about this list of don’t(s), there are some points that could kill a potential relationship at an early stage.
– Don’t send 100 texts at once; one is enough!
– Don’t accept last minute invites; you’ve got things to do. Remember this.
– Don’t start small meaningless talks. i.e. how are you, good, where do you live, where do you work,
excellent, bye
– Don’t show too much attention
– Don’t creep them on social media and don’t shock them with the questions like: “So how was your uncle’s vacation
in Italy back in ’05?”
OMG! I just realized that I could write a book of 100 Don’t(s) in relationships. Do you think that would be awesome?
If you would like me to claim your copy, shoot me an email here .

5. You Definitly Should Let Them Know

“The first step is you have to say that you can. Will Smith
I would love to tell how? Direct way or a more subtle one! But definitely, it’s not today’s topic

6. Save Your Time

“There’s nothing like rejection to make you do an inventory of yourself. Will Smith
Once you show your crush interests, the good news is that you have saved your time. The bad news you’ve got to deal with one of these two situations and both are hard to manage.
Either the person has mutual feelings and you will start to get to know each other on a deeper level, or you get negative vibes. Consequently, you have to deal with it.
First, any answer different than yes we should, sure or something similar, you should consider as a no. Naturally, a person who is interested in you will find a way to let you know sooner or later.
Second, if you don’t move on, you will get fried with your thoughts. Stay away from your crush, a huge NO for a friend zone. It’s not because your crush is not a nice person. They are just not the right person for you at that time. If you stick around, you will be suffering every day, and you won’t be able to forget about them; you will get classified as a friend, and in case one day for some reasons they are ready for a new experience it will be indeed with someone else, not you.
Finally, instead of losing yourself in them, focus on yourself. You will have a chance to find a new hobby, define the people you are compatible with, improve some points in your personality, style or social circle and improve communication skills.

Take note of heavy eye contact. If they are constantly staring at you, or in your direction, it may be because they have a crush on you. Try to pay attention to the difference between a normal stare when having a conversation versus a more intense, lustful glare. A lot of eye contact is one way they will try to gain your interest and get you to notice them.[1]
  • When you catch them looking at you, see if they pretend to look somewhere else. This is a good sign they have a crush.
  • Try standing out of their sight to see if they move in a way where they can see you again. For example, if you two are talking in a group of people, stand behind someone so they can't see you. Then, watch to see if they position themself in a new spot that allows them to see you.

See how close they get to you. If they try to stand close to you at parties, or sits next to you at lunch, chances are they have a major crush on you. This is their way of getting as physically close to you as they can to express how they care and enjoys being near you.

Look at their hand gestures. People express their emotions with their body language, and that includes hands. Girls are known to flip their hair or gently touch the shoulder or hand of the person they are crushing on. Guys tend to talk more with their hands when talking to girls they have a crush on because they are excited.

Pay attention to awkward behavior. If they blush around you, laugh uncontrollably for almost no reason, can't look you in the eye, or fidgets a lot, then you have your answer. These are all tell-tale signs of someone who is crushing.

See if they mirror your behavior. A common sign of attraction can be shown through imitation. When people do this, they do not even realize it. Watch for someone using common words or catch phrases you say or talking about things you are interested in to relate with you more.

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