
Monday, December 3, 2018

Interesting Facts about Time Travel

However, making one body advance or delay more than a few milliseconds compared to another body is not feasible with current technology. As for backwardstime travel, it is possible to find solutions in general relativity that allow for it, but the solutions require conditions that may not be physically possible.

1- Stephen Hawking claimed time travel was impossible
One of the manytheories of time travelstates thatthe universewill protect itself from creating paradoxes (problems associated with time travel) by simply notallowing time machines to be made. “All time machines are likely to self-destruct the moment they are activated,” famed physicist Kip Thorne toldScientific American. While the idea of an unwilling universe seems a little far-fetched (one can’t help but picture the invisible forces at work inFinal Destination), Stephen Hawking openly subscribed to this hypothesis, deciding that there ought to be a law banning time travel from the laws of physics. Hawking proposed the"chronology protection conjecture" as thatlaw. In the years following his proposal, Hawking became increasingly frustrated that he could find no physical law that would prevent time travel. Unable to prove this impossibility, Hawking changed his mind, making headlines when he said, “Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical.”

2- The universe may not allow change when you time travel
It’s no surprise that Hawking once believed time travel to be impossible; there are simply too many paradoxes involved in the whole procedure. The most famous of these — the grandfather paradox — proposes the following conundrum: If you were to travel back in time and kill your grandfather, would you not then cease to exist, never having had the chance to be born? Since its mind-boggling inception, the grandfather paradox has seen many attempts to satisfy its confusion.

3- We may have already been visited by a time in 2000,traveler
Back a person who identified himself as John Titor began visiting onlinesci-fidiscussion forums, claiming to be a military time-traveler from the year 2036. Appearing, and later disappearing, without a trace, Titor engaged and entertained the online public, providing numerous predictions and details about time travel and the future. According to Titor, U.S. civil war was to erupt following the 2004/05 American presidential elections on account of individual “orders and rights.” Titor made predictions that civil liberties would be lost in preference of national security. 

4- Time travel may not require a Time Machine
The majority of models explaining time travel require a machine that can producesome form of exotic matter with negative density. However, does this exotic matter exist, and what exactly is it? Well, the bestway to understand negative energy density is to look at black holes. Black holes generate intensely strong gravitational fields, so strong that they could actually bend space-time itself.
5- Time travel could begin with the Large Hadron Collider
Back when Hawking thought time travel was impossible, one of his defining arguments was that we have not yet seenany time-travelingtourists. If time travel were possible, Hawking argued, “Why haven't we been overrun by tourists from the future?” Hawking later answered his own question by saying that space-time must be warped in a certain way to permittime travel, and if we cannot warp space-time in such a way until the future, then time travelers would not be able to travel back to an earlier point (think of the gravity doughnut example above). So basically, one could travel into the past only as far back as the point of creation of the first time portal. 

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