
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Secrets About Your Life

                   Secret about your life

Many of the people after died only realizing the value of the life.Then they think about i missed the best part in my life. There are many people died with regrets only. This is because of Wisdom we had not get it when living the life, after the death only getting wisdom.

10 Secrets about your life

  • You are not the sun in anyone life (For example your lover or your mother or some other tell that you are my life without you i cannot live the life). In your life also there is no sun.The Main thing is Reduce the expectations from others.If your die also there's a pain in their heart but their life is not going End, their life is going to run only but they have a pain in their heart about you.

  • Things will never make you happy( If your buy a phone or some thing else the happiness is just for that day only its not the permanent joy in your life).The happiness that we are getting from things are for rent only it's not permanent.

  • when you get you first salary in a company their will give you bank card and credit card.It's an invisible thing and you are using for your purpose. Don't over use it. If you over use it you are going to be debtor. People always swipe their card there is no money and the made them as debtor. 

  • Now a days people are not reading the books( Reading Books improves your imagination). Look around the people near your if any one of them is brilliant is because of reading books improves the memory. Parents must make their child to read books every day it will be useful in future.Read (fiction, novels ,etc...) in any language.

  • Spirituality is nothing but talk to yourself. People goes to church or temple they are asking their wish to god.schedule for spiritual time in your life. you are losing your Identity and running for a regular life, Schedule some time for spiritual.

  • Save your Money( I am not telling you to save the whole salary just save 10 to 25 percentage of your salary).What if you lose the job at that time if you don't have money and if  your married it will make the worst part of your life. Save money for future it will help you at any time.

  • Keep you limit on  Eating foods ( I am not telling you not to eat the pizza, burger) but keep you limit on Eating. Animals will eat only if they are hungry at the same time they will not exceed their limit. so keep you limit on Eating foods. Exceeding limit will bring you health problem, overweight.

  • Some people will hate you when you become Famous or Rich(For example if you put video on youtube or anyother social media some people did not watch the video but they put dislike because of your identity).They don't reason. Don't concentrate on Haters, Concentrate only on people who like you because thousands of people like show your effort on them. Negative people are always living in this world. Don't think them. 

  • Now a days people are afraid to tell no because they think that some one will think me as bad(for example if anyone inviting you to party or something else).Don't afraid of telling no to others. Saying yes to bad things also wrong and saying No to good things also wrong.

  • Always Give Importance to your family. Don't Forget your family whatever you get in your life. Family is the one who always with you. They will not leave you if you had problem. Don't Ignore your Father or Mother or Siblings.They are the Number 1 in your life.

Friends I have Post this for you only.Just follow these 10 steps in your life your life will be happy. 

Please share this with your friends or any one else just share this Message.


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